I need to bitch. I need to moan.
S1 (sister) she’s driving me mental, I live with her and BIL. They’ve not long left the comforts of home life with parents and I’m struggling with their way of life. Apparently they have areas that they clean, like divided out. The kitchen isn’t her space, BIL is on kitchen duty apparently. Before I moved in he cooked and cleaned the kitchen. Now I do most of that. Last night S1 decided she was going to cook for the second time since I’ve been here in 5 months. She was bitching there was no bench space as dishes hadn’t been done yet, I always do dishes and clean down the kitchen before I prepare a meal. So I pointed that out to her, I said to her this is why I always start with a clean kitchen. The response I got was intense, rude even. She with a huge attitude said, I don’t do dishes I don’t touch breakfast bowls they are disgusting, I kinda laughed and said it’s not that bad I’ve cleaned up worse than breakfast bowls from this kitchen. Apparently that sparked so kind of crazy in her and I was out in my place about ‘areas’ again.
That leads me to, today.
I went about doing housework, dishes vacuuming spider webs. As I don’t do areas I do house! House needs cleaning it gets done. Today I was angry to find a bowl of my sisters hair, a bowl on the kitchen bench full of her hair and a comb. So much for yuck breakfast bowls with little bits of milk. Today I cleaned my sister hair bowl up because it was there and needed doing.
And then this leads to my struggle of the day, this women always has an answer a rude come back something nasty, I want to have it out with her. I put all the rubbish in the binsame sorry the dartboard and tale of all the recycling because they leave it everywhere without a care, I clean all of this up for them without a thank you. If I mention it I’m bound to be blasted about being wrong, because I’m always wrong in fact I’ve probably cleaned wrong or about to cook them the wrong dinner too.
So I bite my tongue, but I’m tired, I’m broken and I’m feeling like I am good enough for everything that is under my precious S1 because she is to good to even clean up after herself, she doesn’t even put her own shoes on BIL was called in this morning to put her shoes on for her!
So I’m trapped in this hell hole, being Cinderella ffs
I want to cry, but I’m not even good enough for them as they rarely happen. I miss my life my space my kids.
Done for now, that small part over hair in a bowl is out now.
MissKita xx